Watch Zach and Beth's story through featured video testimonials.
Why I chose agriculture
I grew up helping dad. I just loved it from day one, so I kind of always knew it’s what I wanted to do.
How I prepared myself for a career in agriculture
After high school, I went to college and did a lot more thinking and decided I wanted to farm then. I was very fortunate my folks are very supportive and were always there and wanted me to keep farming and working with them. My dad’s been really supportive. He rented me ground and we share equipment. We’ve been blessed to grow our operations and continue to work together.
My biggest challenge
I think the biggest challenge is figuring out what is most important to do and just being able to adapt. Things never go as planned, so it’s a challenge to always be ready for whatever gets thrown at us.
My business approach
I’m definitely open to trying new and different things anytime. I make a lot of mistakes, there’s no doubt about it. But, I always keep trying something different. I get that from my dad. He’s always thought out of the box and has tried different things. It’s good to be able to bounce different ideas off of each other.
How I got started with FCSAmerica
After I graduated from college, I knew I wanted to farm, but was looking for more ground. I went with my folks to the FCSAmerica office and started what was a really easy process. I started with an operating loan. It’s such a relief to be able to go there and talk to them, see how willing they are to work with a young person like me and how willing they are to support my goals and dreams.
FCSAmerica’s role in our farm’s future
I think Farm Credit will be part of our operation for many years to come. Just knowing that we can go to them whenever we need to for certain things and financial advice really helps so we can continue to grow over the next 10 to 20 years.
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